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  • Hi, Dragon! ….nice to see things starting to shape up!

  • So nice to see you shaping up …..push for every mark you can get!

  • Great work Nakita. You keep it up. Your got this. Kick ass young lady.

  • What an exceptional job done. Keep the good work going. 👏

  • On your Reading Settings, you’ve still got “Your homepage displays” set to, “Your latest posts” ….fix this ASAP

    And see if you can get your menu to work properly. See our last Wise Chat lecture for more….

    • Once you’ve fixed Settings > Readings….
      …go to Appearance > Menus ……to ensure your menu isn’t confused

      • I haven’t looked at your menu structures and I was about to say, no, your menu isn’t being shown on every page, but now I’ve used Ctrl-Minus to zoom out a level. This has made everything on your web pages a bit too small for me, BUT it has allowed space for your menu to show

        Your menu on is now showing, now that I’ve zoomed out

        Your menu on is now showing, now that I’ve zoomed out

        I’ve seen this before on the Asterix blog I setup for you. It’s irritating and a reason to not allow the full 4 marks I have for menu (3 for links to pages, 1 for other menu links)

        The easiest way to fix this, probably, is to reduce the number of item on your menu. That will be easy for you!- I see you’ve already got sub-menus inside your menu, so just shift a couple of things that are still in your main into a sub-menu somewhere

        • TIP : To try see how your menu falls off one of the pages I’ve quoted above, hit Ctrl-+ on those pages. It you don’t see this happen, it could mean you’ve got a bigger screen than I have

  • You still have only one category ….viz: Uncategorized

    You need to fix this and work towards have nothing on Uncategorized…..

  • I’m the only one giving you comment on what needs to be done. Why are you not getting any input from anyone else!?

  • (1) I’d like to know what it’s like to be a Subscriber on your website….

    o add me as : username, “PeterZ.S”
    o email :

    (2) I’d like to know what it’s like to be an Editor on your website….

    o add me as : username, “PeterZ.E”
    o email :

    And no, I don’t want to add myself as a user! I’d rather see if you can do this for me and long it’s going to take…

  • Oh good. Simpler page names! …..then you can change that on the menu if you want to..

  • Here’s something I’ve put somewhere…

    “….but that’s only if you want ALL of the 3 marks I have on a well motivated theme”

  • QUESTION : Are you reading the comments that I’m putting here? Are you going to REPLY to any of them….?

  • Dragon, where are you! I’m posting comments all over the place, trying to find marks for each of you………

    • …use my questions and comments here as an opportunity to communicate back to me. When I allocate marks for activity on your posts and chats, I’m looking for comments from YOU! ….whether from your Editor persona or your Admin persona, as long as I see that it’s YOU who’s here, working your posts and chats

      • …and this goes for everyone! If the others aren’t picking up the tips I’m giving each of them, it means they’re not active on each other’s posts

        ….if the others don’t see what I’m saying to you, they’re not reading your posts!
        ….if you don’t see what I’m saying to the others, you’re not reading their posts!

        And that helps to give me insight as to who is active on these websites- on the posts and chats- and who is not.

  • There are still two students who have not sorted out their SEO work yet!- so I’d rather see this as a password protected or private post for now

    Yes, I’ve marked Search engine optimization (free), but I also want a chance to give others a chance here….

    • Okay, I see this is now a protected post, so I guess you took my advice…

    • Yes, as my student, there is pride in what what she’s doing! …and hope for endless development in this world…

  • Loving the look of it. Wow. Always looking forward to seeing the new progress made. Keep it up!

  • Great seeing the work style change over the past couple of months. Keep it up Dragon

  • Love seeing the success you’re doing and learning new skills

  • All progress takes time. Therefore one has to work. To create greatness.

    • And yes, there’s a bit of time left before final marking has to be in…

  • Oh for the time to just stop and talk. It would be nice.

  • Well done!- so nice to see you giving life to your website

  • Nice to see a post on music!- three hours of Mozart plus four and a half of the whole gang!

    …..okay, yell you what, when I get back I’ll listen to this


    If you ever want to open a post along the theme of your name- perhaps something like, “Dragons vs Music”- they come in different forms, you know. If you look in the right places, they’re not all that hard to find. Here’s a couple of short pieces, not quite as musically matured as what you have here, but, perhaps a tad more ….”Dragon-like”…..?

    Firstly (and this is my mothers fault!) …..the first music I remember- EVER!- was about a Dragon…
    ….on a real live record, that went round and round, while she bounced me on her knee

    Then I started to find my own Dragons …..vs Music. of course. Here’s the one I’ve given you already- some really fun Dragons….
    And something a little quieter, about a Dragon Queen……

    And a troubled Dragon in her own right….

    Here’s Candice Night. She married Richard Blackmore and so became known as, “Blackmore’s Night”…
    …interesting what someone’s layered atop her voice and words

    Maybe you’ll see some creative ideas here, for

    • ….as promised, I’ve started your 3 hours of Mozart…..

  • Back to the musical theme of this post, here’s something that someone did with Bach’s Bourée- during the Hippy Era of the sixties! …..playing this sort of music to folk who would otherwise NEVER have heard anything remotely like this….

    … anyone who looks down on the Classics, let them be consumed by Dragons! If not for them, we wouldn’t be who we are now- and sometimes going back to the roots is one of the best things that anyone can do


    Thank you for a post on music

  • Nice! …..tempted to stay, but- just dropped in for a minute, with wings of my own waiting for me..

  • You’ve got a lot of support here, Dragon ……good work!

  • Dragon, your menu is missing from a few of your pages! ……you need to fix this….

  • …and remove EVERY reference to WordPress on this website! Dragon, this website is about YOU ….and the skill-set YOU’re building for yourself

  • “Please remain active and communicate as much as possible” ….I like this bit!

  • I’m just about done, Dragon …..just the last two items on the bonus side for you to think about.

    Currently I’m allowing a maximum of 14 bonus points per student- and you’ve already on this maximum! ….but still, push for every mark you can get, just in case I let this go up a bit

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