

Activity for contact will be either on the ‘chat’ platform (https://dragon.asterix.co.za/blog/chat-circle/), however if you want a more private conversation there is a private messaging system, ‘message’ (https://dragon.asterix.co.za/blog/message/) or in the ‘Contact Section’ (https://dragon.asterix.co.za/blog/contact/) Please remain active and communicate as much as possible. Leave any enquires below:

Brief Info:

With the knowledge of coding and html/ css. We were tasked this term to control our very own WordPress webpage, this tested our knowledge and our skills. We had to create a home page, about page, blogging page and chatting site. We had to learn how to use plug ins and to know which plug […]

Comments on SEO

The SEO used for this site was SEO Framework. This seemed to be a very popular choice as its clean, extensible, unrestricted, ad-free. It is also said to be the fasted full-featured SEO plugin, without causing any confusion to the user on how to use it. The features of it is that it can generate […]